Is your website secure?
Absolutely. Jersey Girl Chocolate employs the latest in security software to ensure your confidential information remains confidential.
What is the “Recommended Method of Shipping”?
Chocolates are extremely perishable. When shipping to warm weather areas, Jersey Girl Chocolate may recommend a specific method of shipping to prevent melting and guarantee the arrival of your product in perfect condition.
How long will it take for my order to arrive by mail order?
Most orders placed before 11:00AM will ship the same day. Keep in mind that weekends and holidays do not count as days in transit. Since temperatures across the country vary we may choose not to ship on a Friday; therefore we cannot guarantee Monday deliveries.
What is the best way to store my chocolate?
Chocolate is best when stored in a cool, dry place however, it is not a good idea to store your chocolate in the freezer as it can cause the chocolate to turn white due to temperature shock.
Can I have an allergic reaction to any of Jersey Girl Chocolates?
Our products are manufactured in a facility that shares equipment with products containing Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Egg, and Wheat.
There is a white film on my chocolate. What is it and is it safe to eat?
Though the white film on chocolate is often mistaken for mold, it is actually a harmless substance known as bloom. Bloom is the result of the butter fat in the candy coming to the surface of the chocolate due to a temperature shock. The chocolate may not look as nice, but is safe to eat and tastes just as good. To prevent bloom, it is important not to expose chocolate to wide fluctuations in temperature.